Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


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cuma yang portable. jadi kalo anda doenload ini dengan mudah anda bisa bawa di flashdisk. ini dia

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selamat mendownload...!! gratis alias free... ^_^
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Ada yang mau nyobain ni cheat ga?? niih chetanya

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ni untuk tutornya lengakap dengan bahasa inggrisnya :

Ada dua file yang menjadi dasar konfigurasi bot ini
1. Config.ini
2. Setting.ini
1. Config.ini
Dalam file ini kita bisa mengatur, pada kartu apa saja bot akan ikut bermain.
[Preflop_Hands] <— Settingan untuk kartu yang jenisnya tidak sama misal : A [Keriting] K [Jantung].
all_in = AK <—- Bot akan All-In hanya jika memegang kartu AK.
all_in =AK AQ QQ JJ TT 99 <—- Bot akan All-In jika memegang salah satu pasangan kartu tersebut, setiap pasangan dipisahkan dengan SPASI.
raise = <—- Sama seperti di atas (Untuk settingan kartu yang ingin di RAISE).
call_any = <—- Sama seperti di atas. (Untuk settingan kartu yang ingin di CALL ANY).
call_upto = <—- Maksudnya adalah untuk kartu coba-coba bot akan ikut bermain sampai batas nominal yang ditetapkan jika ada pemain yang RAISE taruhan maka bot akan menghitung jumlah score kartu di tangan dan kartu yang ada di meja, jika scorenya kurang bot akan FOLD, namun jika scorenya cukup atau jumlah RAISE pemain tersebut dibawah nominal yang sudah di tetapkan maka bot akan ikut bermain.
call_once = <—- Bot akan melakukan Check sampai salah satu pemain melakukan RAISE.

[Suited_Hands] <— Setingan untuk kartu sejenis misal : A [Jantung] K [Jantung].
all_in = <—- Sama seperti di atas.
raise = <—- Sama seperti di atas.
call_any = <—- Sama seperti di atas.
call_upto = <—- Sama seperti di atas.
call_once = <—- Sama seperti di atas.

hands=20 <— Bot akan ke bank (Stand) setelah memainkan 20 kartu
hands=100 <— Bot akan pindah room setelah memainkan 100 kartu

2. Setting.ini
; Minimal pemain di meja termasuk anda jika kurang bot akan cari meja lain

; Minimal bermain di meja berapa?, ex: $100/$200 =200

; Maximal bermain di meja berapa?, ex: $1M/$2M =2000000

; Modal untuk bermain, jika bermain di meja $100/$200 dengan nominal 100 seperti di bawah maka modal = 100 x 200 = $20.000


Welcome! This tutorial is written in the hope that you are competent enough with a computer as to access the internet. If you are not competent enough with a computer as to access the internet, you may want to question how you’re actually reading this.
To Begin With…
Download the latest bot on this site. You can tell which bot is the latest by looking at the time of which it was posted.
To extract the bot, you will need to use an application. Download winrar: http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm
Downloading With rapid*share…
The downloads on this site are usually hosted by rapid*share. You will need to click on ‘free user’. If you are having problems with rapid*share and are receiving this message:
‘This file can only be downloaded by becoming a Premium member
There are no more download slots available for free users right now. If you don’t want to become a premium member, you might want to try again later.’
Simply click on the link above it, which will redirect you to the download page. Then, after clicking ‘free user’, rapid*share will ask you to check back in two minutes. In actual fact, it is much easier to check back every fifteen minutes or so.
Before Clicking the .exe…
Once the bot is extracted to a location of your choice, open [bot name]/settings.ini. Modify settings.ini to your preferences. Here, I will discuss settings which are relative to you:
‘; the minimum players at the table including yourself before the bot will leave
This is the minimum number of players at the table (including yourself) that need to be present for the bot to stay at the table. If the number of players at the table you are at fall beneath the number you have specified, the bot will leave and go to another table. Normally, members set the number of minimum player at 5.
‘; the minimum big blind room your bot will stay in
This is the smallest table that the bot will play on. Normally, anything above 4 is okay. Recently, Zynga have started sending higher players to 50 blind tables, so if you want to play on tables above 25/50 only, set this number to 200.

‘; the maximum big blind room your bot will stay in
This is the highest table that the bot will play on. If you are weary of the bot reaching a table of which you consider the blinds too high, specify the maximum blind that you will allow the bot to enter. For example, if you set the maximum blind to 10000, the bot will only play tables where the blind is equal to or lower than 10000.
‘; the number of big blinds your bot will sit with
This is how much the bot will buy into the table with. The number you specify is multiplied by the big blind of the table that you sit at. For example, a table buyin of 20 at a 25/50 table would mean that you are buying in with 1000 chips. A table buyin of 20 at a 5k/10k table would mean that you are buying in with 200,000 chips. 20 is the number of big blinds that is generally used by most members.
‘; should the bot log text
This should always be set to 1, to use when you need assistance on this site.
‘; should the bot ask for a blind if it is not known
This is if the bot should ask for an unknown blind. Set it to 1 when you are monitoring the bot, 0 when you are not (if you’re asleep/at work). It is a smart move to record most of the blinds you think the bot will encounter before you leave it unattended.
;browser_title=Mozilla Firefox
; other browsers
;browser_title=Internet Explorer
;browser_title=Google Chrome
;browser_title=Poker Bot Console

This is where you choose which browser you will be running the bot on. Simply delete the [;] that is before you’re chosen browser title and file. On some bot releases, [;] will need to be added before browsers which you do not want to use.
Before Clicking the .exe
This section constantly changes, so whilst writing this I’m going to presume that we all have common sense.
all_in =AA
raise =KK QQ AK
These are the hands which the bot act with pre-flop. You can edit this yourself to reflect your style of play. ‘A’ means Ace, ‘K’ means King, ‘Q’ means Queen, ‘J’ means Jack and ‘T’ means 10. Other cards are represented by there numbers, for example ‘9′ would be 9. Hands which are not specified next to all_in, raise and call, the bot will fold.
If you are using a version of the bot with a suited option, it should generally be the same as this.
0-0.59 =call
0.6-0.69 =call
0.7-0.79 =raise
0.8-0.89 =raise
0.9-1 =all_in’

These are the post-flop score actions. When the bot plays, it calculates your chance of winning, given the flop. It changes once the turn is shown, and again following the river. ‘call’ means that the bot will call anything with the score specified, ‘raise’ means that the bot will raise with the score specified, and ‘all_in’ means that the bot will go all in with the score specified.
;this is the number x big blind that you wish
;to call on, so change it accordingly
This is how much the bot will call pre-flop. The number you specify is multiplied by the blind, so if you’re on a 10k table with a call amount of 4, the bot will call up to 40,000 chips.
;This is the number x big blind that you wish
;to raise, so change it accordingly
This is how much your bot will raise, if you have specified that it should do so. Yet again, the number is multiplied by the blind of the table you are at.
Recording Seats…
Delete everything in [bot name]/data/seat (if anything is in there)
It’s now time to open up facebook and sign into your account. Go onto the application: zynga texas hold’em poker.
Join an empty 9 seat table. Click on bot.exe and the bot will automatically record your seats.
Note: If anyone joins the table whilst the bot records seats, you will have to begin the recording process all over again.
Now you’re good to go grin But a few reminders first…
Things to Expect From the Bot…
The bot will take over your mouse while playing. It will also suffer from problems specific to the version you are using.
Things Not to Expect From the Bot…
The bot cannot be run in the background, therefore the window that the bot is playing cannot be minimised or placed in the background. Also, the bot is not guaranteed to make you any profit whatsoever: despite being a game of skill, poker is also a game of luck.
Guide written using Botv010. Some aspects of the bot are bound to change, but once you’ve done these steps, you should know enough to adapt them.

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Rabu, 22 Desember 2010


Dah lama niihh ga bagi2 sesuatu,jadi kangen. niihh gw iseng2 nyobain pb amrik.
Kalian udah tau kan yang namanya PB?? klo di indonesia Point Blank. Ya kan?? cuma sayangnya point blank di kita itu dah ga enak di maeinin. Alasannya ada chiter.Untuk itu

gw bermaksud ngasih solusi buat lo lo semua yang masih pengen maen game yang kaya point blank. Namanya Project Blackout.Pb ini pusat servernya di amerika.kalo2 menurut lo bakal aman dari chiter trus pengen nyobain ni pb amrik nihh gwe sdiain ni


eits lo semua ga bisa langsung maen gtu gtu z, td kan gw dah bilang server ni pb di amrik so cuma yang ber ip di amrik doang yg bisa maen ni pb.tapi tenang z, g usah repot2 nyari software di tempat lain coz disini gw juga dah disiapin.jadi lo semua tinggal sdoot z deehh.niihh buat nyamarin ip lo


pertama lo download dlo yg di atas,tu baru berupa downloader nya lu tinggal ikutinnya aja aturannya (i agree, next2 gtuu dahh )kalo prosesnya dah selese lo bakal dapet yang namanya project blackout install nah tinggal instal deh tu pb installernya.

langkah selanjutnya lo installin juga yang namanya HSS 1.56 tu.tinggal next2 seperti biasa namanya nge-install.kalo ada muncul seperti ini

pilih continue anyway tuh yang di buletin di gambarnya.setelah itu next2.pokonya sampe mozille firefox nya keluar

trus lo tunggu sampe connect. klo udah tulisannya connect lo tinggal maenin dah tuh pb amriknya.jangan lupa daftar dlo di >> http://pb.ntreev.net/

slamat mencoba :-)
NB: kalo ada pertanyaan langsung koment z yaa !! gw tiap hari online ;-)
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